Marine & Aviation

In the ever-changing world of marine and aviation industries, safeguarding your assets is non-negotiable. Our specialized insurance solutions offer comprehensive coverage and expert claims support for your vessels, aircraft, cargo, and operations, ensuring your investments stay secure and thriving in these dynamic sectors.


Our products within this segment include:

Factors considered for fixing premium are based on annual gross receipts.

  • Haulier’s Liability
  • Freight Forwarder’s Liability
  • Marina Operator’s Liability
  • Ship Repairers Liability
  • Stevedores / Charter’s Liability

Factors considered for fixing premium are based on annual gross receipts, limit per conveyance, policy aggregate limits & sub limits; carrier’s operating efficiency, past loss history and jurisdiction. A minimum deposit premium is usually charged which will be subject to adjustment at expiry of insurance contract at an agreed rate on actual annual haulage [gross receipts] achieved.

URIIC offers Hull & Machinery Insurance [ Time & Voyage].

  • Hull & Machinery Insurance [ Time & Voyage]
  • Protection & Indemnity Clauses -Hulls
  • Value of Hull for insurance is the market value which is to be agreed or assessed by an independent marine surveyor. The factors taken into account for premium rating of a Hull depend on the following information.
  • Type of Hull
  • Tonnage
  • Fleet or Singleton
  • Trade of the Vessel
  • Ownership / Management
  • Classification
  • Flag & Registry
  • Valuation of the Vessel
  • Past Loss History
  • Insurance Conditions offered

This insurance indemnifies aircraft operators, helicopters, gliders any gadget with wings against loss or damage.

Indemnifies aircraft operators, helicopters, gliders any gadget with wings against loss or damage to the hull of the craft, engines and machinery of the craft, to the passengers on the craft and third party damage to property.

We provide all types of aviation cover including, but not limited to:

  • Aircraft Hull & Liability (Including Passenger, Cargo & Third Party)
  • Aircraft Hull War & Allied Perils
  • Aviation Crew Personal Accident